The stress level that ordinarily accompanies this category has to be managed by experienced people who know quite well the latitude necessary to corral any unwanted results. The gamut of creative ideas that surface along with possible choices of direction once the visible picture is exposed is compared to a motion picture of huge proportions.
The ever changing landscape happens often within hours. This together with high energy, high expectations and endless possibilities has landed us in some really interesting results. While we can think on our feet and have the visible range to thing and perform the next to impossible, it is rarely ignored and often respected. We have only the highest regards for everyone from the Architect, Engineer and Designer when making these high level decisions mixed with structural changes.
I would have to say it is usually derived from a good listening ear, an open mind and a sense of envisioning that is acute to the awareness of the desires of the client. Hence the final result is a sense of the client being awestruck with the joy of ownership and inhabiting with joy the newfound spaces. It is absolutely great to watch this event unfold. This is truly worth all the effort and intenseness.
Residential Building is a Creative and Rewarding Venture. However Remodeling is an area that is entirely separate from any other. The level of intrusiveness and the experience of the spaces being changed permanently with new and expansive lighting and updates has a feel that emerges often overnight. It takes a special group of artisans. As an experienced Building Contractor the value of capturing tangibly the vision translated is not without the greatest satisfaction a Builder can experience.