The engineering and sourcing of goods and various products to complete these structures has also been enlightening, searching across the country from Kentucky to Montana and back up over to Connecticut and up to Northern Minnesota.
The word tenacity has had its grip on us since the early years when we didn’t have modern tools. Our passion was caught from the old-school men we learned the trade from and the work ethic they instilled in us.
Those deep qualities have payed many dividends over the years. The satisfaction derived from a project really well done and the obvious teamwork that is involved has been nothing short of Outstanding. In the end we shall glean the satisfaction of another project lasting well beyond our lifetime.
We can say without reservation that we have seen over the 40 past years that the creative element has driven us to be a part of some very interesting if not one of a kind structures. It has been a joy and a privilege to have built some uniquely stylish, functional and one of a kind structures.